Canada Post: Carriers that Care

Canada Post has, for the last 17 years, been seeing a decline in their profits as letter delivery becomes replaces by the internet, while faster, cheaper competitors such as UPS and FedEx have been growing their shares in the parcel delivery market.

Carriers that Care is  an expansion on an idea proposed by the Canadian Union of Postal Workers as one way to expand Canada Post’s offerings. Through the service, we hope to build connections and sense of community in seniors’ lives, while reassuring family that their loves ones are safe and doing well.

I lead the identification of the necessary digital touchpoints, which lead the team and I to design a website, app, and dashboard to support postal workers and customers of Canada Post.

TeamJasper Precilla
Samaila Newaz
Tristan Turisno
Hugo Duran
My RolesDesign Strategy
UX/UI Design
UX Research
Content Design